Lichte Momente 2011
Conceived as a contrast or complement to the Christmas market, "Lichte Momente 2011" deals in general with human perception rather than simply with the subject of Advent. How do we react in unusual situations? What impact do media and technology have on us? With irony and humour, the viewer is confronted with his own criticism of the exhibited art. In contrast to the previous year, this time passers-by become part of the work of art, enabling them to interact with it and influence the exhibit. Those who wish to enter into confrontation are given the opportunity to make a highly individual statement on the exhibit. Often wittily presented in a completely new light, the absurdity of everyday life becomes apparent. Despite the fact that "Lichte Momente 2011" is artistically ambitious, a wide audience is addressed. The project confronts not only local visitors to the Old Town, but also visitors who flock from across the region to the Christmas market, with unexpected visual stimuli.