Media Campus

The Media Campus, which sees itself as a forum for young, budding student art, is an established part of the festival.
In five film programmes, put together from numerous entries, the fresh and innovative tendencies in the young art scene will be brought to the screen this year.
The attractive locations – from medieval architecture through classic aesthetic exhibition halls to public spaces – offer the young artists of Media Campus a wide range of possibilities to present their work in an expressive environment. We are taken on a journey to twelve countries of the world.
On board are also four German higher education institutions that wish to introduce their establishments on University Day with lectures and film programmes.
A variety of workshops will additionally give visitors the opportunity to actively experience current Media Art.
The Media Campus has put together a diverse range of film programmes from the entries submitted by numerous young artists from international higher education institutions. After screening their work, the student filmmakers will be available for discussion after the programme. We can’t wait to see what the collection from eleven of the world’s countries has to offer.
18–22 April, at participating cinemas

Attractive locations – from medieval architecture through classic aesthetic exhibition halls to public spaces – offer the young artists of Media Campus a wide range of possibilities to present their work in an expressive environment.
18 April – 27 May in the Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche
18 April – 13 May in the Stadtgalerie Café
18 April – 22 April in the Turm Bürgergehorsam