
Audio visual performance
Max Hattler
"iff then elze" (Audio visual performance)
Institut für Feinmotorik
OCTOGRAMMOTICUM is IFFs own experimental setup for improvising on 8 prepared turntables and 4 DJ mixers which are served by the groups members. Instead of vinyl, household-materials are used for preparing and playing the turntables. The setup includes lightobjects and tiny cameras.

A cell phone opera in four acts
Karl Heinz Jeron
“I’m on the train at the moment. Where are you?” Now that (nearly) everyone has a mobile phone, even the most private telephone conversations are held not only behind closed doors, but in public. For years, the artist Karl Heinz Jeron has been annoyed by the senseless phone calls made by his fellow-passengers. A few months ago, he decided to write down the conversations. He has already filled two notebooks. The texts are being digitised and performed by small, singing robots: four soloists and a choir. Karl Heinz Jeron is collaborating with a professional composer to set the work to music.
Hermes, the patron of oratory, lends his name to the piece. The conversations held over the mobile phone illustrate general human situations under the headings secret, sex, guilt and betrayal. In these four acts, the artist stages the transcribed conversations, transforming these everyday situations into an artistic act.
Himalaya Variationen
Tina Tonagel
In her solo project Himalaya-Variationen, Tina Tonagel makes use of two overhead projectors as an analogue VJ tool. She adds experimental instrumentation to the illuminated areas of the projectors, consisting of electric guitar elements, rotating disks, marble runs, a clock’s chime, perforated sheets and motors, and combines the manual sound production with automated mechanics.
The sound spectrum combines subtle sounds with multilayered rhythms, whilst in the projection a brilliant play of colours and light evolves through the superimposition of the two images and the direct visual translation of the sound created, merging the boundaries between image and music.